Image Credit: El Grafico Magazine
Sadly, this week marks the last week of Obscure Games for the year 2009. We'll be back and playing again in 2010, though when exactly I don't know. To play in the dead of winter, we'll need some kind of indoor space, and so far I haven't been able to come up with anything. A thousand points to whoever can find us a place to play!
Over the winter, keep an eye out for "Obscure Events," which may be games and may be something else entirely. And if anyone has an idea for an indoor event, or hears about something in-line with the general manifesto of Obscure Games (whatever that is), let me know and I'll pass it along.
For those of you want to keep exercising over the winter, let me recommend CrossFit. Think of them like "Obscure Workouts." Every day, the CrossFit blog posts a new workout for you to do. The movements are dynamic, the workouts usually take only a half hour, and they will destroy whatever is unhealthy in you. I'd like to do this over the winter. If anyone is interested in partnering up, or wants more info about Crossfit (I did it a bit in the summer, before Obscure Games), email me.
Finally, the PGHPlays Festival of Games, which I am planning for August 2010, seems to be gaining steam. We won't know until December whether we've gotten some grant money from The Sprout Fund, but I'm continuing to push forward with the idea. Volunteers will be needed. People to help generate games will be needed. People with expertise in web and tech fields will be needed. Enthusiastic support of the power of play will be needed. So get in touch with me if you'd like to be involved.
With that said, games this week will be:
Tuesday Night Games:
Play from 6-8 at the University of Pittsburgh. Meet by the Cathedral of Learning, on the Bigelow Blvd side, at 5:50.
Thursday Afternoon Games:
Play from 3:30-5:30 at the University of Pittsburgh. Meet by the Cathedral of Learning, on the Bigelow Blvd side, at 3:20.
and, of course:
Sunday Brunch Games!
If you can only come to one, come to this one. Play/Brunch starts at 11 am. We'll meet at Mellon Park again, at the pavilion near the parking lot, across from Beechwood Blvd. These will be the last games of 2009, so if you haven't played in a while, shake off your Saturday night hangover and come out to play. Games are free, but I'd appreciate a bit of money for the Brunch. Also, please let me know if you're going to come, so I'll know how much food to get.
Thanks to everyone who helped make Obscure Games possible this year. Come out to play and I'll thank you in person.
Sadly, this week marks the last week of Obscure Games for the year 2009. We'll be back and playing again in 2010, though when exactly I don't know. To play in the dead of winter, we'll need some kind of indoor space, and so far I haven't been able to come up with anything. A thousand points to whoever can find us a place to play!
Over the winter, keep an eye out for "Obscure Events," which may be games and may be something else entirely. And if anyone has an idea for an indoor event, or hears about something in-line with the general manifesto of Obscure Games (whatever that is), let me know and I'll pass it along.
For those of you want to keep exercising over the winter, let me recommend CrossFit. Think of them like "Obscure Workouts." Every day, the CrossFit blog posts a new workout for you to do. The movements are dynamic, the workouts usually take only a half hour, and they will destroy whatever is unhealthy in you. I'd like to do this over the winter. If anyone is interested in partnering up, or wants more info about Crossfit (I did it a bit in the summer, before Obscure Games), email me.
Finally, the PGHPlays Festival of Games, which I am planning for August 2010, seems to be gaining steam. We won't know until December whether we've gotten some grant money from The Sprout Fund, but I'm continuing to push forward with the idea. Volunteers will be needed. People to help generate games will be needed. People with expertise in web and tech fields will be needed. Enthusiastic support of the power of play will be needed. So get in touch with me if you'd like to be involved.
With that said, games this week will be:
Tuesday Night Games:
Play from 6-8 at the University of Pittsburgh. Meet by the Cathedral of Learning, on the Bigelow Blvd side, at 5:50.
Thursday Afternoon Games:
Play from 3:30-5:30 at the University of Pittsburgh. Meet by the Cathedral of Learning, on the Bigelow Blvd side, at 3:20.
and, of course:
Sunday Brunch Games!
If you can only come to one, come to this one. Play/Brunch starts at 11 am. We'll meet at Mellon Park again, at the pavilion near the parking lot, across from Beechwood Blvd. These will be the last games of 2009, so if you haven't played in a while, shake off your Saturday night hangover and come out to play. Games are free, but I'd appreciate a bit of money for the Brunch. Also, please let me know if you're going to come, so I'll know how much food to get.
Thanks to everyone who helped make Obscure Games possible this year. Come out to play and I'll thank you in person.
I will partner up with you for the winter.